Just got back from an amazing trip to China but, yesterday was the worst travel day of my life and I’ve done some crazy travel.
Left Shandong Province in China at 8:30 AM China time on Tue ( 8:30 PM Monday night in Boston if you want to keep track)
Drove 1 hour to the high speed train station
Took 1.5 hour high speed train ride to Beijing ( picture is fuzzy but thats 294 KPH)
Drove 1 hour from Beijing train station to the Beijing Airport
Flew 13 hours to Detroit, departing at 4:50 PM China time ( over the Polar ice cap) Arrived at 5:40 EST, still Tue ( like getting in a time machine, you travel back in time).
Two hour layover in Detroit turned into 4.
Boarded flight from Detroit to Boston. Arrived at 11:20 PM EST.
Drove 30 minutes to home. Arrived at 12:10.
Elapsed time from start to finish, 27.5 hours.
It’s great to be home.
The plus side is I made some great friends. I want to thanks Tom, Sarah, Dr Liu, Dr Zhiang ( hope I spelled it right) and everyone else who made my trip so amazing.

from Michael Boyle's Strengthcoach.com Blog http://strengthcoachblog.com/2014/05/28/planes-trains-and-automobiles/
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