I wrote this for my StrengthCoach.com site a few years ago and thought I’d share it with a wider audience.
How often have you heard someone described as an “out of the box thinker” or heard someone praised for “thinking outside the box?” This is usually considered a compliment. However in a recent conversation with one of my clients who happens to be a world renowned plastic surgeon, I made the statement that forms the title for this article. THERE IS A REASON THERE IS A BOX. I went on to say that I thought most people would do well to really familiarize themselves with the inside of the box. I like to think that the coaches I admire could be described as someone who knows the subject matter “inside and out” vs. someone who thinks outside the box.
Coach John Wooden has a great quote:
“If you spend too much time learning the tricks of the trade, you may not learn the trade.”
There’s a Reason There’s a Box
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from Michael Boyle's Strengthcoach.com Blog https://strengthcoachblog.com/2016/05/05/are-you-an-outside-the-box-thinker-theres-a-reason-theres-a-box/
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