Sunday, June 29, 2014

Keeping the Horse in Front of the Cart

A friend saw this slide from Functional Strength Coach 5 putting the cart before the horse

on a Twitter feed and asked me to explain. Putting the cart before the horse is literally an analogy for putting things in the wrong order. If we can view methods ( Olympic lifting, plyometrics, etc.) as the cart and safety as the horse we must see that safety trumps methods. We must consider safety as we consider methods. Many coaches use a one-size-fits-all type of approach and this is in my mind putting the cart in front of the horse. As we develop a program we must first consider the audience. What I might consider safe for an eighteen year old collegiate athlete might be risky for a soccer mom. What I consider safe the eighteen year old hockey player might be risky for the 30 year old veteran. Methods can vary based on the audience. If we place methods first ( i.e everyone does Olympic lifts regardless of age or experience) than we place the cart in front of the horse. The key to good training is keep the horse in front of the cart. The audience determines the method. Does that help?

from Michael Boyle's Blog

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